
From Reclaim The Wild
Revision as of 09:17, 14 October 2020 by SirAston (Talk | contribs)

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Just a Goron Bard wandering the lands and taking notes (pen&paper ones) while making notes (musical ones).

Current status of updating my homebrews to v2.01: Done™

My contributions to Homebrew material in chronological order:
Gasha Rings [Misc]
Savvy Combatant [Feat]
More Weapons (SirAston) [Items]
Chorus of Heroes [Song]
Sage's Incantation [Feat]
Minor Deity Race [Race]
Tokay Race [Race]
Defender Techniques [Techniques]
Blood Magic Expanded [Misc]
Magical Masks [Items]
Crafting Modifications [Feat]